5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Christmas Eve Visit

(My last Christmas post, I swear!)
Christmas Eve on the farm began as a lovely, warm morning. I went down to the barn, feed Tango and Pony Pete, then sat in the warm sunshine with Christmas Kitty purring and making biscuits on my lap.
To my delight, my neighbor Sharon's boar-cross nanny goat (Bella) and her young kid (Odie) came over the hill and across the field to visit. Tango and Pete took one look and galloped to the far end of the paddock in horror and stood rigid, with rolling eyes, as I was petting Bella and her baby. Of course, I had to invite Bella to the barn for a little of Tango's grain, which she happily ate while Odie sniffed around. Christmas Kitty, like the horses, didn't know what to do, so he perched high and watched.
Tango and Pete's curiosity had to be satisfied, so they approached cautiously. Tango walked up stiff legged and got really excited sniffing Bella, I could feel the energy radiating off him as he began prancing around, blowing great breaths of air and again with the eye rolling. I had my hand on his withers and kept saying "Be nice, Tango, be nice."
Well, Bella had had enough of this great big moose sniffing all over her, and with a "bah" to Odie, she began making her way back to her field. This Tango could not handle, so I yell out "Run, Bella, Run!" As I again see the look of terror in a small animals eye as great Tango comes bounding, full blast after the goats. Thankfully, they jumped through the fence in just the nick of time as Tango slammed on the brakes and snorted his triumph. (Good Grief... What a moose!)

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