5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Monday, December 17, 2007

The Pony Has A Name! (And An Attitude)

After (only) 3 weeks, our pony finally has a name! We have named him "Pete" (which nicer than "Muhammad" as Daniel wanted, and "Pony Pants" which I have been calling him.)

On Sunday, as Dan and I were leaving the farm, I noticed the the bottom strand of hot wire tape was down. (Part of the new fence we built last weekend, which isn't hooked up to electricity.) "We'll mess with it when we get back," I said. Mistake.

Of course, not only was part of the fence down, that spunky pony Pete was on the wrong side! He was galloping back and forth like an idiot, as he apparently had been the entire time we were gone. Lovely. And, of course, my big horse, Tango had been dancing in place on his side of the fence the whole time as well (evident by the badly torn up turf.)

Not only had Pony Pete gone through the fence, but he snapped one of the strands as well! So out went Dan in the dark to tie it back together, while I freed the little beast to the correct side of the fence. So the lesson learned? If you notice something wrong, you better investigate further before heading to town.

So, fast forward to this morning (Monday), I went out to feed the boys at 6:30 am and the little turkey was back on the wrong side of the fence! Err! At least he didn't snap the hot wire tape again. So I freed him once more. Hopefully, when I get home tonight, he won't be over there again or the hot wire might have to become hot. Which would require the purchase of a hundred foot extension cord.... just what I always wanted!


TheyDHD said...

Here's hoping!

And if he is on the wrong side of the fence again, at least 100' extension chords aren't all that bad. *chuckle*

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying your site and following along with your progress...good luck