5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Monday, December 10, 2007

Yuck Yuck Yuck

Nasty, cold, icy rain moved in over the weekend. Daniel and I filled up a bunch of empty gallon jugs with water, just in case... Our neighbor has a generator and said we are welcome to come over if the lights go out...

Even with the rain we got a lot done. On Saturday, my neighbor Sharon and I took two of her horses over to a huge, lovely indoor arena 10 miles down the road. We had the whole place to ourselves and got to ride and play a bit. It was nice.

On Sunday, Daniel and I went into Republic and spent over 30 min. in the check out line at Wal-Mart. We bought fencing supplies at the farm store and spent a soggy afternoon putting up plastic t-posts and hot wire. My big horse Tango has thin soles on his front feet (we are trying to grow his feet out) and the vet said to keep him out of the pond by all means. So he had been in a little pen with his pony the last few weeks. (The pen is now ankle deep mud). I turned him out Saturday and he ran around like an idiot, bucking and chasing the pony. The pony had a look of terror on his face, and his little legs were working over time, trying to avoid Tango who was having a ball galloping after the poor thing. So the fence is now up, and Tango can happily be out again. I closed the pen off, but I think it is beyond repair at this point. And thankfully Tango has given up his game of chase the pony. For now...