5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stress *&%$#

Ugh! I am majorly stressed lately. I have 50 zits as a result! Yuck!

Here are my top causes of stress lately (horse related and non-horse related):

1) Donk E
She is hobbling sore on her off side front hoof. Horrible White Line Disease, so bad I can scrap out 1/2 inch with my hoof pick. Plus, I think she is foundered/lamanitic/navicular (one of the above)in that foot. I have her basically on a dry lot, feeding hay only. She is so sweet it kills my she is so sore. Then, last night, I went to pick out her back feet and she tried to cow kick me! Both hind! I have been picking her feet twice a day for a month now, and she has never tried to kick at me until last night. It scared me. I know she kicked out of pain, but what if she kicks out of aggression next time? Like she seriously tries to get me? Was it because she is so sore in front? I don't know.

2) Margo and Peter
They are so freaking fat, they HAVE to go on a diet. Which means I need more hay. (My pasture is all fescue and I need to get them off it) My good hay guy from last year didn't cut any hay, so I have to shop out of Craigslist or classifieds. I don't want any fescue or clover bales, but I cannot visually tell the difference between fescue, clover, timothy, orchard grass, etc. I can recognize alfalfa visually, but I don't need alfalfa hay! (It is fattening)

3) Work
Whose work doesn't stress them out? Under-payed, under-appreciated...

4) My lovely girls
My 3 closest girl friends are having a rough go of it lately. One recently lost her boyfriend of 11 years. One is living at home, overwhelmed with student loan debt. The other one is having to move back in with her Mom this weekend. The last two both have no good ex-boyfriends they still go back to, time and time again... It just hurts me so bad, I really worry about these girls. I just want them to be happy and successful... Sigh...


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