5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Friday, March 20, 2009

I Said Hello Country Bumkin

Yikes! You can definitely tell the difference between speaking with someone who is college educated vs. speaking with a country boy who *might* have graduated high school!

Last night, I went over to speak with my neighbor whose stud broke into my field and bred my mare Wednesday night. I tried the "good neighbor" approach.

As an experienced horse person, I explained how a two year old, unbroken stallion is a dangerous choice of a horse for their 12 yr old beginner daughter. I suggested they take the stallion (I offered to help) to the horse auction next Friday. I suggested they might sell him, and for about $200, pick up a well trained, older horse for their daughter.

The Dad replied that this stallion was a gift from a good friend of theirs, and that it has "really good bloodlines" and they aren't interested in selling it. (I didn't bother telling him that bloodlines don't mean sh*t if the horse isn't registered, which it is not.)

So, I replied, "In that case, here is a number for the vet up the road, he will come out and geld the horse for $125." The Dad then said (imagine a really country accent)"Yuk, Yuk, okay, I will get 'em done next week." YEAH RIGHT, and I will win the Olympics next week... (eyes rolling) I could tell he was full of sh*t and just trying to get this bitch (me) off his property.

I said, "Well, I really hope you do that because the horse will NOT be coming onto my property again." He replied that he is planning to run a string of hot wire along our fence lines. I said that is great, but if you don't get the horse gelded, that will not keep him from coming into my field.

We pretty much hit a stalemate there, so I said one more time "That horse can NOT come onto my property again." He said he would take care of it. I also told him that if they don't do anything with that horse, that by the time he is 3 or 4, he will be dangerous and uncontrollable. The guy pretty much blew me off.

Whatever. If you are such a dumb sh*t, you think your 12 yr old, inexperienced, little girl can train a stallion who isn't even halter broke then that is on you. I tried to help. (head shaking...)

The horse also hasn't been vaccinated or had it's feet done since they have owned it. Idiots!!! I spend thousands of dollars a year maintaining my nice horses!!! Arguhhh!!!

Well, I have done what I can do. Margo will be kept in the front paddock from now on when she is in heat, Daniel and I are putting up some new fencing this weekend, and I pray that dumb sh*t's horse doesn't come over again. If it DOES, I am seizing the horse and calling the sheriff, animal control, and a lawyer. Hope their free horse "with really good bloodlines" is worth a lawsuit to them!

BTW, I have also decided to use my own money and have Margo ultra sounded to see if she is bred or not. If she is not bred, I would rather not give her a shot of Lute, as it makes a horse sick and off for a few days. I would like to avoid putting her through that, if she is not bred.

Good Grief!!

BTW, Thanks everyone for the helpful comments, advice and support!


Mena said...

I am sorry that the country bumpkin wasn't cooperative. I kind of hope that the stallion gets over the fence again just so you can take them to court. But maybe not, I wouldn't want your cute little mare to go through stallion harassment and a lute shot again!

Good luck!

Lynne said...

Good decision on the ultrasound. That way,the vet can just pinch the embryo off if there is one. Then she won't be in pain for several days and feeling miserable. The ultrasdound can detect a pregnancy at 14 days (I believe), so it is much faster than waiting to see if she comes back into heat - and some come back into heat even when they are pregnant. You are certainly being the responsible one here!