5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rita Mae Brown

Rita Mae Brown is a more recent addition to my favorite horse authors/books. She has written a lot of books, but I have only read her "Sister Jane" series.

They, however, are wonderful! Sister is a 73 yr old Master of Foxhounds of an old Virginia hunt club. She deals with strange murders, people, sex, and of course, horses and hounds!

I love these books, as Sister is a huge lover of nature and the environment. I also love how the animals are also characters. The foxes, hounds, horses, cats, even the barn owls have a voice in these wonderful books.

I just recently picked up the four in the photo at a tack swap for $5! Can't beat that!

Rita Mae Brown, the bestselling author of 37 books, is nothing if not versatile: feminist activist, mystery writer, lesbian pioneer, fox hunter, screenwriter, novelist, animal rescuer. She even became a tabloid star during her three-year relationship with tennis superstar Martina Navratilova. (Stolen from another site)

Other books by Rita Mae Brown:
- Six of One (1978)
- Bingo (1988)
- The Sand Castle (2008)

Mrs Murphy (with Sneaky Pie Brown)
- Wish You Were Here (1990)
- Rest In Pieces (1992)
- Murder at Monticello (1994)
- Pay Dirt, or Adventures at Ash Lawn (1995)
- Murder, She Meowed (1996)
- Murder on the Prowl (1998)
- Cat on the Scent (1999)
- Pawing Through the Past (2000)
- Claws and Effect (2001)
- Catch As Cat Can (2002)
- The Tail of the Tip-Off (2003)
- Whisker of Evil (2004)
- Cat's Eyewitness (2005)
- Sour Puss (2006)
- Puss 'n Cahoots (2007)
- The Purrfect Murder (2008)
- Santa Clawed (2008)

Jane Arnold
- Outfoxed (2000)
- Hotspur (2002)
- Full Cry (2003)
- The Hunt Ball (2005)
- The Hounds and the Fury (2006)
- The Tell-tale Horse (2007)
- Hounded to Death (2008)

- The Hand (1971)
- Rubyfruit Jungle (1973)
- In Her Day (1976)
- Southern Discomfort (1982)
- Sudden Death (1983)
- High Hearts (1986)
- Venus Envy (1993)
- Dolley: A Novel of Dolley Madison in Love and War (1994)
- Riding Shotgun (1996)
- Alma Mater (2001)
- I'd Kill for That (2004)

I would really like to read the Mrs Murphy with Sneaky Pie Brown series. I think they are written from the cats p.o.v.? I bet they are good anyway...


Anonymous said...

She has a new book coming out in a few months, Animal Magnetism. It's about all the animals she has loved in her lifetime. I'm looking forward to it. The Sneaky Pie mysteries are good, but not my favorites, although I have to admit that I do like the characters. They sort of grow on you. By the way, your horses are beautiful!!

Sara said...

Thank you! I really love her Sister Jane books. That new book sounds good too. I like the animal characters as much (or more!) than the humans!