5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gah! More Craigslist Disasters!

Some days, Craigslist baffles my mind. Here are some gems from today's postings...

"Blah, blah, blah...wanting to sell because my daughter doesn't want to wait a year to ride(or until the foal is weaned), she's wanting to ride this spring/summer and it's just too hard to ride with a foal tagging along."
Well, then WHY DID YOU BREED HER? Because not enough horses are getting sent to Mexico to die in slaughterhouses?

Edited to ad:
I could not resist emailing this person (I'm bad) So, I sent the following message:
"I am just wondering why you bred this mare in the first place? There are way too many unwanted horses already."

She responded:
"Well when you decide to get off your high horse, maybe you'll realize not everyone is as bad as you think they are. This mare was already bred when we got her. We didn't know she was pregnant until she started getting big. Thanks for being a judgmental busy body. You should just keep your opinions to yourself before you say stupid things you know nothing about. If stupid people didn't get the slaughter plants closed down, there wouldn't be so many unwanted horses."

Dear God,
Please let this woman get sent to a slaughter plant to die when she is old and unwanted.

I did reply, to try and be nice:
I'm glad you didn't irresponsibly breed this mare and then dump her on craigslist. Thanks for your response. I understand if you didn't know she was bred when you got her. But, if I can help stop one person from breeding, or even get them to think about it, I will try.
I hope you can find a great home for her!"

I just ask, if no one out there is a "judgemental busy body" and if everyone "keeps their opinions to themselves" then what is to stop people from beating their wives and children, starving their animals, etc?

This one isn't so bad, but will probably end up bad...
"Got an extra saddle?"
"My husband and I just got our first horse. We have been working with her on the ground with the help of our more experienced friends. We are ready to start working on getting a saddle on her but don't want anything fancy since we're just getting started. I would like for it to have a horn, though, to hold onto.
Does anyone out there have an old saddle you'd sell for cheap? Would like to keep it under $100 if at all possible.. Could go a little more, though, depending on the saddle. Since we are new at this, we'll need the blanket, bit, etc if you happen to have that, too.
Arghhh! I guarantee:
1. These people will get hurt by the horse
2. These people will end up being ruined on horses for good
3. The horse will suffer in the end and remain unbroke
It is a proven fact that beginners do not succeed at breaking green horses.

I don't know, maybe I should get down off my high horse and just not care... Or maybe I should just quit reading craigslist posts...

1 comment:

Pigs and Horses said...

Nah, don't stop reading Craigslist, just stop reading the horse ads and start reading the
erotic services ads.