5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Friday, May 1, 2009



I about had a heart attack this morning!

I went down to my barn to feed and right inside the door there was some big animal laying there. I yelled at it and it wouldn't leave... I thought it was dead, but then noticed it was breathing!! Arghh! I thought Christmas kitty had fought something and hurt it, or was Christmas lying there with it? Was it two animals?

So, I freak out! I run to the house, thought "Who am I going to call?" So, I run back to the barn and go down and around through the bottom door. I got this big horse whip and started cracking it and yelling "Get out of here! Arghh!" So the animal starts moving, and it separates and it was two HUGE possums!!!!!! BLAH!!! ARGH!!!

I guess they were in the middle of doing it! They were in some sort of trance or playing dead or something, because it took forever for them to get up and they both were really sleepy acting... ARGHHH they were sooo gross and BIG!!!!

And then Christmas kitty comes up to the barn, just meowing "Hello" like any other day and he walks half way through the barn and I am like "NOOO Christmas!!! (I thought they might attack him!) And then he sees them and his tail poufs up and he took off... (thankfully!)

Argh! It was HORRIBLE! Then, I go over near them and crack the whip and yell "GET OUT, GET OUT" and, instead of leaving, the girl possum climbs between the wall and my stack of square hay bales!!!! Yikes! Then, the boy climbs on top of my hay and I am yell "Get out of here!!!" And he just stands there looking at me...

So I am now 15-20 min behind (it took almost 10 min of yelling to wake them up!!!!) so I have to reach out and grab a couple of flakes of hay with them right there!!!


And my horses are outside, all upset because I am in the barn yelling like a maniac and cracking this whip!

So, I feed the horses, and they are okay, but the possums are STILL in my hay stack!!!!

Thankfully, Christmas kitty was up at the house when I went back up there, so I locked him inside. But, he sleeps on top of my hay stack a lot. Arggh!! They HAVE GOT TO GO!!!! BLAH! It was horrible!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hope they did not poop on you hay and give your horses EPM.
please check you hay.

Sara said...

I am planning on pulling my haystack apart tonight. I am going to move it out about 2-3 feet from the wall and restack it tight (so there isn't "tunnels" between bales.) I am planning to check and make sure there isn't any poop around, I will destry any bales that are pooped on, if that is the case. Blah! My friend Tara also said I should wear gloves, as there might be snakes living in my hay as well. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Good, a friend of mine has a horse that has EPM from when she had posums in her hay.
Very big vet bill but thankfull he is better and over it and now can be ridden again but she got lucky.

I am lucky to have a good barn/farm dog that would never ever let them critters in my barn.
He even killed on before and he brought it to me to show me how good he did.

Lil Jim said...

Can come out tomorrow with a 12 gauge and end all your critter problems...Let me know