5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Monday, July 6, 2009

Ugh.. Monday!

So, I have been dieting since I quit smoking cigarettes 3 months ago. I had been doing really good, but I took a break from my diet over the holiday weekend. I gained FOUR pounds! Thanks a lot Stella and Budweiser! Ughhhh!


Busplunge said...

Throw some more hay!

M.J.Y said...

i stumbled across your blog, after going through the next blog tab (intially, i was trying to find a way to post on as many blogs as possible to promote mine) however, this blog did make me have a wry smile - mainly because the makers of said beers (and others, including the cider favourite Strongbow) have a lot to answer for, namely me missing a day from work due to too much drink. haha. if you'd like to visit my blog (a bit of promotion never hurt) visit: doweneedanotherhero.blogspot