5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Monday, February 21, 2011

Shetlands and Chocolate Palominos

Two very different types of Shetlands ponies... Omg, this one is SO hairy~ And those stubby little legs... o_O This one, man, he is slick! I like this type better than the above... I think this is an American Shetland... This type has a lot of knee action at the trot...
Peter seems to be a mixture of both...
Here is a Chocolate Palomino Morgan... pretty...

And a Chocolate Palomino Gyspy Cob... this one is very similar to Pete in the summer...


kara said...

I think Pete may be inbetween as well. He has some knee action himself and a super nice trot. That first one on top is a hairy beast I love the mane and forelock! He sure does have stub legs.hahaha

kara said...

nice I can't wait for pete to shed out!

Sara said...

I'm bored at work today!