5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ouch!! My back!

Well, last Wednesday, I managed to pull a muscle (or something) in my lower back. I added to that pain by riding on Thursday. Then over the weekend, I felt pretty good, until Sunday morning, when I re-injured my back somehow... (I think mucking out...)

It hurts! I tried to go to work today and got sent home. I will be out until Monday the 15th. Nice vacation, too bad I can't ride! (Or muck or do anything!)


Oh, and Christmas Kitty, who has been missing for the last two days, was crying at the back door this morning. I let him in and he has hurt himself somehow. Poor thing. Who knows how long it took him to get home, he can't put any weight on one of his back legs. *sniff* I gave him the smallest dose possible of Banamine this morning... Hopefully horse pain meds are okay for kittens!

Anyway, I probably won't be able to post again, check back next week! :)

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