5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Friday, November 13, 2009


I like Tennessee Walkers, but this is weird! It is so unnatural to me. His back legs are FREAKING me out! Click to play video clip...


Marissa Eagle said...

That is horrible! That Poor Horse
:( It looks freaked out and trips and falls a couple of times!

nisiammaja said...

HATE what they do to TWHs!

Leah said...

As I child, Tennessee Walking Horses were always my favorite; I'd never seen "the big lick" abuse. Sadly, the abuse within the breed continues despite the efforts of the Humane Society and the USDA.

On the plus side, there is a strong movement of people who love the breed but oppose the abuse:
Friends of Sound Horses, fosh.org and the National Walking Horse Association, NWHA.com; selected to participate in the Equine Village at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games -- the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders & Exhibitors Association that puts on the "celebration" and big lick abuse spectacle will NOT be allowed to participate.

It's just like dog fighting -- people need to rise up and say "UNACCEPTABLE"!!!

When I get my 5 acres, I'll have a couple of Tennessee Walking Horses and enjoy their NATURAL gifts and gaits : )

Melinda said...

It is disgusting.....looks like it's sacroiliac joints are screaming stop! The music in the arena was creepy too like circus music....

d5thouta5 said...

as a teenager I enjoyed the opportunity to ride a walker from Tom Burton Stables at the Royal American in KCMO....the memories of those rides are so warm that it is a shame to witness this type of showmanship....it is a damn waste of a good horse ...and it's normal gait is so beautiful to see, from both the saddle and the stands....hopefully this type of showmanship will be prevented from participating soon....and why does the rider look like a thug....what type of showman is he....