5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Friday, May 22, 2009

Trail Rides and Shows

Tara and I were able to get out to Busiek yesterday and enjoy a nice trail ride.

Tomorrow is a little show at Brighton Saddle Club, I will be going and showing Margo in the halter class and walk/trot western pleasure. I might do the walk/trot/canter w.p. if there isn't many people there... I hope there is a small turn out! Margo needs practice! :)

Also, there is a Sho-Me show tomorrow in Marshfield, so I hope a lot of people go there instead!

Finger crossed... Wish me and Mags luck!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

You SHOULD be coming to the Sho-Me Show where people WANT you to come! No I'm not stalking your website - just looking to see if you might mention coming to Marshfield tomorrow :-(