5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm Back

Back at work today... yuck! My back feels better though.
I have a TON of stuff to do, after missing a week, blah!

In other news...

Bad Things:
- Daniel is temporarily laid off from work! I am NOT stressing about it! Whatever! He can do whatever, as long as bills are paid, I don't care! BLAH!
- Spring weather brings out the little girl neighbors! I had visits from both this weekend, 2 different ones! 12 or 13... One of them has a four wheeler she is allowed to drive, the other has a gator... Gah! So, now, when I am outside, If I hear either coming up the road, I have to hide! I don't know why, but all the little girls want to hang out at my house!
- I rode Margo at home with my bareback pad and stupid fleece dressage girth Saturday. That girth had previously 'chapped' Margo behind her elbows, well, she seemed healed, so I used the girth again Saturday, and it rubbed her raw!!! ARGHH! Again! I am throwing it away! Link

Good Things:
- I rode Margo Sunday, bareback, in the field. Previously, I only had the balance to walk when bareback, well... I trotted all over bareback on Sunday! Yay! She is such a fine horse.
- Pete is learning to lunge! Last night, it seemed like it clicked in his little pony brain! Yay!

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