5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Monday, October 12, 2009

Peter's First Drive!

My new friend Cari and her husband came out to the farm Sunday morning to help me start Pete to cart! Here we are after walking a million laps around the backyard, Cari was finally able to sit in the cart and let Pete feel some weight behind him. Petey is thinking really hard... Okay, ready to turn him loose? Peter on his own!! Cari said he was looking around for me at first, but he soon got his confidence. (Pretty Margo in the background, wondering what we are doing to her pony!) Nervous Mom in the drivers seat for the first time... Cari is a good coach! Peter pointing his toes! (Also shaking his head a bit, but Hey! It is his first time ever feeling the bit!) There that is better... And this is even better than the last pic! Pete looks like he is having fun and getting confident! :) Yay! Pete and I are really excited to start driving together! What a good boy! :)
Thanks Cari for helping us! I think Petey and I both got a really positive start Sunday (after I quite being so nervous!) :)


Lil Mom said...

Looks good Sara. Glad it worked out.

d5thouta5 said...

Always a few tense moments when the reins are let loose.....can I hold myself together long enough to get to the fence row...good job kid...the grin on your face in the last photo shows your happiness at surviving/getting through the day...