5 Acre Dream (minus the 5 acres!)


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pete's 2nd Drive and Other Good News!

WELL... Daniel got called back to work today! He starts back tomorrow after almost 6 months of being laid off! Yay! :)

ALSO... I drove Petey for his second time ever last night! He was SO good! He is such a smart little pony! He did buck twice :l, little turd, I think he was just excited, but I am going to fit him with a bucking strap of some sort.

He is really good at "whoa" and standing still. He has a hard time getting started, but by the end of this session (and the first) he will stop and then start with just a tap of the whip and a "walk on Pete." So that will just be practice.

He is fairly good with steering, it is hard because he is brand new to this and my property is full of obstacles! We had one close call with the light pole, I thought we were going to hit it, but I gave a firm "WHOA!" and he slammed on the brakes and stood like a good boy while Dan came and led us around the pole.

Other than that, he is doing really good, as long as I don't ask for too sharp of a turn. I am having to have my breeching repaired today, there are a few stitches loose that I need re-sewn.

I also will need a slightly bigger cart soon. The one I have barelyfits him. Maybe, since Dan is going back to work, I can ponder this more... :)

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